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/* * acm : an aerial combat simulator for X * Copyright (C) 1991-1994 Riley Rainey * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <pm.h> #if defined(HAVE_STDLIB_H) #include <stdlib.h> #else #include <malloc.h> #endif struct lex_record; int ParseAircraft(struct lex_record *p, craftType ** c1), ParseValue(struct lex_record *p), ParseTable(struct lex_record *p), ParsePoint(struct lex_record *p); int ParseStation(struct lex_record *p); int ParseDISEntityType(struct lex_record *p); static craftType c; extern craftType *newCraft(void); extern double genericThrust PARAMS((craft *)); extern void genericResupply PARAMS((craft *)); typedef enum { RESERVED_WORD, vtDOUBLE, vtLONG, vtANGLE, vtNMILES, vtKNOTS, vtTABLE, vtPOINT, vtSTRING, vtSTATION, vtENTITY } value_type; typedef enum { Nil, EndOfFile, /* * Reserved words must be added to this section */ TOKEN_NUMBER, RW_PUNCTUATION, TOKEN_STRING, TOKEN_LEFT_BRACE, TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE, TOKEN_COMMA, TOKEN_COLON, RW_USE, RW_AIRCRAFT, RW_DESCRIPTION, RW_HARDPOINT, /* * Fields in the craftType structure must be added in this section */ Object, AspectRatio, CLPosStall, CLNegStall, BetaStall, CLift, CDb, CnBeta, ClBeta, CDBOrigin, CDBFactor, CDBPhase, CYbeta, Clda, Cldr, Clp, Cmq, Cnr, maxAileron, maxRudder, effElevator, effRudder, SeTrimTakeoff, Ixx, Iyy, Izz, CmAlpha, CmFactor, MaxFlap, CFlap, FlapDrag, FlapRate, CGearDrag, GearRate, MaxSpeedBrake, CSpeedBrake, SpeedBrakeRate, SpeedBrakeIncr, WingArea, WingSpan, WingChord, EmptyWeight, MaxFuel, MaxThrust, MaxABThrust, Thrust, ABThrust, EngineLag, SpFuelConsump, SpABFuelConsump, GroundingPoint, ViewPoint, MuStatic, MuKinetic, MuBStatic, MuBKinetic, MaxNWDef, NWincr, MaxNWS, Rm, Rn, Dm, Dn, Km, Kn, Gm, Gn, CmMax, CnMax, TailExtent, StructurePts, RadarOutput, RadarTRange, RadarDRange, TEWSThreshold, HardPoint0, HardPoint1, HardPoint2, HardPoint3, HardPoint4, HardPoint5, HardPoint6, HardPoint7, HardPoint8, WeaponStation, WeaponCount, DISEntityType, Description } field_id; struct keyword_info { char *word; value_type type; field_id id; char *ptr; }; #define A(x) (char *) x struct keyword_info keywords[] = { {"Description", vtSTRING, Description, A(&c.description)}, {"Object", vtSTRING, Object, A(&c.objname)}, {"AspectRatio", vtDOUBLE, AspectRatio, A(&c.aspectRatio)}, {"CLPosStall", vtANGLE, CLPosStall, A(&c.CLPosStall)}, {"CLNegStall", vtANGLE, CLNegStall, A(&c.CLNegStall)}, {"BetaStall", vtANGLE, BetaStall, A(&c.betaStall)}, {"CLift", vtTABLE, CLift, A(&c.CLift)}, {"CDb", vtTABLE, CDb, A(&c.CDb)}, {"CnBeta", vtTABLE, CnBeta, A(&c.CnBeta)}, {"ClBeta", vtTABLE, ClBeta, A(&c.ClBeta)}, {"CDBOrigin", vtDOUBLE, CDBOrigin, A(&c.CDBOrigin)}, {"CDBFactor", vtDOUBLE, CDBFactor, A(&c.CDBFactor)}, {"CDBPhase", vtANGLE, CDBPhase, A(&c.CDBPhase)}, {"CYBeta", vtDOUBLE, CYbeta, A(&c.CYbeta)}, {"Clda", vtDOUBLE, Clda, A(&c.Clda)}, {"Cldr", vtDOUBLE, Cldr, A(&c.Cldr)}, {"Clp", vtDOUBLE, Clp, A(&c.Clp)}, {"Cmq", vtDOUBLE, Cmq, A(&c.Cmq)}, {"Cnr", vtDOUBLE, Cnr, A(&c.Cnr)}, {"MaxAileron", vtANGLE, maxAileron, A(&c.maxAileron)}, {"MaxRudder", vtANGLE, maxRudder, A(&c.maxRudder)}, {"EffElevator", vtDOUBLE, effElevator, A(&c.effElevator)}, {"EffRudder", vtDOUBLE, effRudder, A(&c.effRudder)}, {"SeTrimTakeoff", vtANGLE, SeTrimTakeoff, A(&c.SeTrimTakeoff)}, {"Ixx", vtDOUBLE, Ixx, A(&c.I.m[0][0])}, {"Iyy", vtDOUBLE, Iyy, A(&c.I.m[1][1])}, {"Izz", vtDOUBLE, Izz, A(&c.I.m[2][2])}, {"CmAlpha", vtDOUBLE, CmAlpha, A(&c.cmSlope)}, {"CmFactor", vtDOUBLE, CmFactor, A(&c.cmFactor)}, {"MaxFlap", vtANGLE, MaxFlap, A(&c.maxFlap)}, {"CFlap", vtDOUBLE, CFlap, A(&c.cFlap)}, {"CFlapDrag", vtDOUBLE, FlapDrag, A(&c.cFlapDrag)}, {"FlapRate", vtANGLE, FlapRate, A(&c.flapRate)}, {"CGearDrag", vtDOUBLE, CGearDrag, A(&c.cGearDrag)}, {"GearRate", vtANGLE, GearRate, A(&c.gearRate)}, {"MaxSpeedBrake", vtANGLE, MaxSpeedBrake, A(&c.maxSpeedBrake)}, {"CSpeedBrake", vtDOUBLE, CSpeedBrake, A(&c.cSpeedBrake)}, {"SpeedBrakeRate", vtANGLE, SpeedBrakeRate, A(&c.speedBrakeRate)}, {"SpeedBrakeIncr", vtANGLE, SpeedBrakeIncr, A(&c.speedBrakeIncr)}, {"WingArea", vtDOUBLE, WingArea, A(&c.wingS)}, {"WingHalfSpan", vtDOUBLE, WingSpan, A(&c.wings)}, {"Chord", vtDOUBLE, WingChord, A(&c.c)}, {"EmptyWeight", vtDOUBLE, EmptyWeight, A(&c.emptyWeight)}, {"MaxFuel", vtDOUBLE, MaxFuel, A(&c.maxFuel)}, {"MaxThrust", vtDOUBLE, MaxThrust, A(&c.maxThrust)}, {"MaxABThrust", vtDOUBLE, MaxABThrust, A(&c.maxABThrust)}, {"Thrust", vtTABLE, Thrust, A(&c.Thrust)}, {"ABThrust", vtTABLE, ABThrust, A(&c.ABThrust)}, {"EngineLag", vtDOUBLE, EngineLag, A(&c.engineLag)}, {"SpFuelConsump", vtDOUBLE, SpFuelConsump, A(&c.spFuelConsump)}, {"SpABFuelConsump", vtDOUBLE, SpABFuelConsump, A(&c.spABFuelConsump)}, {"GroundingPoint", vtPOINT, GroundingPoint, A(&c.groundingPoint)}, {"ViewPoint", vtPOINT, ViewPoint, A(&c.viewPoint)}, {"MuStatic", vtDOUBLE, MuStatic, A(&c.muStatic)}, {"MuKinetic", vtDOUBLE, MuKinetic, A(&c.muKinetic)}, {"MuBStatic", vtDOUBLE, MuBStatic, A(&c.muBStatic)}, {"MuBKinetic", vtDOUBLE, MuBKinetic, A(&c.muBKinetic)}, {"MaxNWDef", vtANGLE, MaxNWDef, A(&c.maxNWDef)}, {"NWIncr", vtANGLE, NWincr, A(&c.NWIncr)}, {"MaxNWS", vtKNOTS, MaxNWS, A(&c.maxNWS)}, {"Rm", vtPOINT, Rm, A(&c.rm)}, {"Rn", vtPOINT, Rn, A(&c.rn)}, {"Dm", vtDOUBLE, Dm, A(&c.Dm)}, {"Dn", vtDOUBLE, Dn, A(&c.Dn)}, {"Km", vtDOUBLE, Km, A(&c.Km)}, {"Kn", vtDOUBLE, Kn, A(&c.Kn)}, {"Gm", vtDOUBLE, Gm, A(&c.Gm)}, {"Gn", vtDOUBLE, Gn, A(&c.Gn)}, {"CmMax", vtDOUBLE, CmMax, A(&c.cmMax)}, {"CnMax", vtDOUBLE, CnMax, A(&c.cnMax)}, {"TailExtent", vtPOINT, TailExtent, A(&c.tailExtent)}, {"StructurePoints", vtLONG, StructurePts, A(&c.structurePts)}, {"RadarOutput", vtDOUBLE, RadarOutput, A(&c.radarOutput)}, {"RadarTRange", vtNMILES, RadarTRange, A(&c.radarTRange)}, {"RadarDRange", vtNMILES, RadarDRange, A(&c.radarDRange)}, {"TEWSThreshold", vtDOUBLE, TEWSThreshold, A(&c.TEWSThreshold)}, {"HardPoint1", vtPOINT, HardPoint1, A(&c.wStation[1])}, {"HardPoint2", vtPOINT, HardPoint2, A(&c.wStation[2])}, {"HardPoint3", vtPOINT, HardPoint3, A(&c.wStation[3])}, {"HardPoint4", vtPOINT, HardPoint4, A(&c.wStation[4])}, {"HardPoint5", vtPOINT, HardPoint5, A(&c.wStation[5])}, {"HardPoint6", vtPOINT, HardPoint6, A(&c.wStation[6])}, {"HardPoint7", vtPOINT, HardPoint7, A(&c.wStation[7])}, {"HardPoint8", vtPOINT, HardPoint8, A(&c.wStation[8])}, {"HardPoint0", vtPOINT, HardPoint0, A(&c.wStation[0])}, {"WeaponCount", vtLONG, WeaponCount, A(&c.sCount)}, {"WeaponStation", vtSTATION, WeaponStation, 0}, {"use", RESERVED_WORD, RW_USE, 0}, {"aircraft", RESERVED_WORD, RW_AIRCRAFT, 0}, {"description", RESERVED_WORD, RW_DESCRIPTION, 0}, {"hardpoint", RESERVED_WORD, RW_HARDPOINT, 0}, {"DISEntityType", vtENTITY, DISEntityType, A(&c.entityType)}, {"DISAltEntityType", vtENTITY, DISEntityType, A(&c.altEntityType)}, {NULL, RESERVED_WORD, Nil, 0} }; typedef union { struct keyword_info *kw; double double_value; ITable *table_value; char *string_value; long long_value; } lex_val; static lex_val lex_value; struct lex_record { char *filename; FILE *f; int lineno; int lookahead_valid; int lookahead; int stack_top; lex_val value_stack[16]; }; #define push_value(p, type, val) \ p->value_stack[p->stack_top++].type = val #define pop_value(p, type) (p->value_stack[--p->stack_top].type) #define input(p) (p->lookahead_valid \ ? (p->lookahead_valid = 0, p->lookahead) \ : (((p->lookahead = getc(p->f)) == '\n') \ ? (p->lineno++, p->lookahead) \ : p->lookahead)) #define unput(p, c) { p->lookahead = c; p->lookahead_valid = 1; } #define InitializeLexRecord(p) { p->lookahead_valid = 0; } static char token[256]; static int token_length = 0; #define STATE_INITIAL 0 #define STATE_WORD 1 #define STATE_NUMBER 2 #define STATE_STRING 3 #define STATE_COMMENT 4 extern FILE *acm_fopen(char *name, char *access); struct lex_record * OpenSourceFile(char *name) { struct lex_record *p; FILE *f; if ((f = acm_fopen(name, "r")) == (FILE *) NULL) { return (struct lex_record *) NULL; } p = (struct lex_record *) malloc(sizeof(struct lex_record)); p->filename = strdup(name); p->lineno = 1; p->lookahead_valid = 0; p->stack_top = 0; p->f = f; return p; } int compileAircraftInventory(void) { struct lex_record *p; craftType *c, *c1; int code = 0; FILE *f; if ((p = OpenSourceFile("inventory")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to open aircraft inventory file\n"); return -1; } while (1) { if (ParseAircraft(p, &c) == 0) { if (c) { c1 = newCraft(); *c1 = *c; free((char *) c); /* * Initialize some other interesting values */ f = acm_fopen(c1->objname, "r"); c1->object = VReadDepthCueuedObject(f, 1); fclose(f); c1->placeProc = NULL; c1->damageBits = SYS_NODAMAGE; c1->damageBits &= ~SYS_ENGINE2; c1->thrust = genericThrust; c1->resupply = genericResupply; /* * Some older values are now derived from more precise information */ c1->gearD1 = c1->rn.x - c1->rm.x; c1->gearD2 = c1->rm.x; c1->CLOrigin = interpolate(c1->CLift, 0.0); c1->CLSlope = (interpolate(c1->CLift, DEGtoRAD(10.0)) - c1->CLOrigin) / DEGtoRAD(10.0); } else { break; } } else { code = -1; break; } } fclose(p->f); free(p->filename); free((char *) p); return code; } void ParseError(struct lex_record *p, char *s) { fprintf(stderr, "error in file %s (line %d):\n\t%s\n", p->filename, p->lineno, s); } field_id NextTokenx(struct lex_record *p) { register int c, state = STATE_INITIAL; register struct keyword_info *q; #ifndef linux extern double atof(const char *); #endif token_length = 0; while ((c = input(p)) != EOF) { switch (state) { case STATE_INITIAL: if (isalpha(c)) { token[token_length++] = c; state = STATE_WORD; } else if (isspace(c)) { continue; } else if (isdigit(c) || c == '-' || c == '+' || c == '.') { token[token_length++] = c; state = STATE_NUMBER; } else if (c == '"') { state = STATE_STRING; } else if (c == '#') { state = STATE_COMMENT; } else { token[0] = c; token[1] = '\0'; #ifdef DEBUG printf("other %s\n", token); #endif switch (c) { case ',': return TOKEN_COMMA; case ':': return TOKEN_COLON; case '{': return TOKEN_LEFT_BRACE; case '}': return TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE; default: ParseError(p, "invalid character"); state = STATE_INITIAL; } } break; case STATE_WORD: case STATE_NUMBER: if (isspace(c) || c == ':' || c == ',' || c == '{' || c == '}') { token[token_length] = '\0'; unput(p, c); if (state == STATE_WORD) { for (q = keywords; q->word; ++q) { if (strcmp(q->word, token) == 0) { lex_value.kw = q; return q->id; } } return Nil; } else { lex_value.double_value = atof(token); return TOKEN_NUMBER; } } else { token[token_length++] = c; } break; case STATE_STRING: switch (c) { case '"': token[token_length] = '\0'; return TOKEN_STRING; case '\n': ParseError(p, "strings cannot span a line"); unput(p, c); state = STATE_INITIAL; break; case '\\': switch (c = input(p)) { case EOF: ParseError(p, "Premature End-of-file"); break; case 'n': token[token_length++] = '\n'; break; case 't': token[token_length++] = '\t'; break; default: token[token_length++] = c; break; } default: token[token_length++] = c; break; } break; case STATE_COMMENT: while (c != EOF) { if (c == '\n') break; c = input(p); } state = STATE_INITIAL; break; } } return EndOfFile; } field_id NextToken(struct lex_record * p) { field_id t; t = NextTokenx(p); #ifdef DEBUG printf("token %s\n", token); #endif return t; } /* * Skip to the specified token, if token is Nil, then skip to the end of the * current line. */ void Resync(struct lex_record *p, field_id token) { field_id t; int c; printf("resyncing\n"); if (token == Nil) { while ((c = input(p)) != EOF) { if (c == '\n') break; } } else { while ((t = NextToken(p)) != EndOfFile) { if (t == token) break; } } printf("resyncing complete\n"); } int ParseAircraft(struct lex_record *p, craftType ** c1) { field_id t; long n, i; double d; VPoint pt; ITable *table; dis_entity_type entity; char s[256]; struct keyword_info *kw; memset(&c, 0, sizeof(c)); *c1 = NULL; if ((t = NextToken(p)) != RW_AIRCRAFT) { if (t == EndOfFile) { return 0; } else { return -1; } } if (NextToken(p) != TOKEN_STRING) { return -1; } c.name = strdup(token); if (NextToken(p) != TOKEN_LEFT_BRACE) { return -1; } while ((t = NextToken(p)) != EndOfFile) { if (t >= Object) { kw = lex_value.kw; switch (kw->type) { case vtSTRING: if (NextToken(p) == TOKEN_STRING) { n = 0; *((char **) kw->ptr) = strdup(token); } else n = -1; break; case vtDOUBLE: case vtNMILES: case vtKNOTS: if ((n = ParseValue(p)) == 0) { d = pop_value(p, double_value); if (kw->type == vtNMILES) d *= NM; else if (kw->type == vtKNOTS) d *= NM / 3600; *((double *) kw->ptr) = d; } break; case vtANGLE: if ((n = ParseValue(p)) == 0) { d = DEGtoRAD(pop_value(p, double_value)); *((double *) kw->ptr) = d; } break; case vtLONG: if ((n = ParseValue(p)) == 0) { d = pop_value(p, double_value); *((long *) kw->ptr) = (d + 0.5); } break; case vtTABLE: if ((n = ParseTable(p)) == 0) { table = pop_value(p, table_value); *((ITable **) kw->ptr) = table; } break; case vtPOINT: if ((n = ParsePoint(p)) == 0) { pt.z = pop_value(p, double_value); pt.y = pop_value(p, double_value); pt.x = pop_value(p, double_value); *((VPoint *) kw->ptr) = pt; } break; case vtSTATION: if ((n = ParseStation(p)) == 0) { i = pop_value(p, long_value); c.station[i].type = pop_value(p, string_value); c.station[i].info = pop_value(p, long_value); c.station[i].info2 = pop_value(p, long_value); c.station[i].info3 = pop_value(p, long_value); } break; case vtENTITY: if ((n = ParseDISEntityType(p)) == 0) { entity.extra = (unsigned char) pop_value(p, long_value); entity.specific = (unsigned char) pop_value(p, long_value); entity.subcategory = (unsigned char) pop_value(p, long_value); entity.category = (unsigned char) pop_value(p, long_value); entity.country = (unsigned char) pop_value(p, long_value); entity.domain = (unsigned char) pop_value(p, long_value); entity.kind = (unsigned char) pop_value(p, long_value); *((dis_entity_type *) kw->ptr) = entity; } break; } if (n != 0) { sprintf(s, "invalid syntax for %s\ parameter", kw->word); ParseError(p, s); } } else if (t == TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE) { *c1 = (craftType *) malloc(sizeof(craftType)); **c1 = c; return 0; } else { sprintf(s, "\"%s\" was found where another token was\ expected", token); ParseError(p, s); return -1; } } return -1; } /* * Parse syntax: '{' number ',' number ',' number '}' */ int ParsePoint(struct lex_record *p) { if (NextToken(p) != TOKEN_LEFT_BRACE) { Resync(p, TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE); return -1; } if (NextToken(p) != TOKEN_NUMBER) { Resync(p, TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE); return -1; } push_value(p, double_value, lex_value.double_value); if (NextToken(p) != TOKEN_COMMA) { Resync(p, TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE); return -1; } if (NextToken(p) != TOKEN_NUMBER) { Resync(p, TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE); return -1; } push_value(p, double_value, lex_value.double_value); if (NextToken(p) != TOKEN_COMMA) { Resync(p, TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE); return -1; } if (NextToken(p) != TOKEN_NUMBER) { Resync(p, TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE); return -1; } push_value(p, double_value, lex_value.double_value); if (NextToken(p) != TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE) { Resync(p, TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE); return -1; } return 0; } /* * Parse syntax: '{' number_list '}' * * Where number_list is a collection of zero or more comma separated * numbers. The list of numbers must be an even count. * */ int ParseTable(struct lex_record *p) { field_id t; double x[64], y[64]; int count = 0, i; ITable *table; IEntry *entry; if (NextToken(p) != TOKEN_LEFT_BRACE) { Resync(p, TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE); return -1; } while ((t = NextToken(p)) != TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE) { if (t == EndOfFile) return -1; if (t == TOKEN_NUMBER) { if (count == 64) { ParseError(p, "too many table entries"); return -1; } x[count] = lex_value.double_value; if (NextToken(p) != TOKEN_COMMA) { Resync(p, TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE); return -1; } if (NextToken(p) != TOKEN_NUMBER) { Resync(p, TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE); return -1; } y[count++] = lex_value.double_value; t = NextToken(p); if (t == TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE) goto done; else if (t != TOKEN_COMMA) { Resync(p, TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE); return -1; } } else { Resync(p, TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE); return -1; } } done: /* * Build an interpolation table */ table = (ITable *) malloc(sizeof(ITable)); entry = (IEntry *) malloc(sizeof(IEntry) * (count - 1)); table->minX = x[0]; table->count = count - 1; table->entry = entry; for (i = 1; i < count; ++i) { entry[i - 1].x = x[i]; entry[i - 1].m = (y[i] - y[i - 1]) / (x[i] - x[i - 1]); entry[i - 1].b = y[i] - (x[i] * entry[i - 1].m); } push_value(p, table_value, table); return 0; } int ParseValue(struct lex_record *p) { if (NextToken(p) != TOKEN_NUMBER) { Resync(p, Nil); return -1; } push_value(p, double_value, lex_value.double_value); return 0; } /* * Parse syntax: number string number number */ int ParseStation(struct lex_record *p) { long i, a1, b1, c1; char *ptr; if (NextToken(p) != TOKEN_NUMBER) { Resync(p, Nil); return -1; } i = (long) (lex_value.double_value + 0.5); if (NextToken(p) != TOKEN_STRING) { Resync(p, Nil); return -1; } ptr = strdup(token); if (NextToken(p) != TOKEN_NUMBER) { Resync(p, Nil); return -1; } a1 = (long) (lex_value.double_value + 0.5); if (NextToken(p) != TOKEN_NUMBER) { Resync(p, Nil); return -1; } b1 = (long) (lex_value.double_value + 0.5); if (NextToken(p) != TOKEN_NUMBER) { Resync(p, Nil); return -1; } c1 = (long) (lex_value.double_value + 0.5); push_value(p, long_value, c1); push_value(p, long_value, b1); push_value(p, long_value, a1); push_value(p, string_value, ptr); push_value(p, long_value, i); return 0; } /* * Parse syntax: n.n.n.n.n.n.n */ int ParseDISEntityType(struct lex_record *p) { long i, av; for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { if (NextToken(p) != TOKEN_NUMBER) { printf("1: %d\n", i); Resync(p, Nil); return -1; } av = (long) (lex_value.double_value + 0.5); push_value(p, long_value, av); if (i < 6 && NextToken(p) != TOKEN_COLON) { printf("2: %d\n", i); Resync(p, Nil); return -1; } } return 0; }